I pinch myself to understand that I occupy space in this world.
I look into the mirror
And take a hard look
I exist. I am.
I have my shadow tugging at my feet trying to take me
My heart pumps out blood and I get Goosebumps when I am
But I feel like I am floating
And no one can really see me
That If I just duck, I can see the darkness beneath this
And all the gooey dingy corners of the emptiness are just
waiting to embrace me
Where then do I belong?
In the emptiness that exceeds and supersedes life
Or the world where every day is a fight I get tired of?
My body aches and my subconscious cries in agony
I look towards the wall and my shadow is still tugging
With all the will I could muster
I take a step
It’s still the same
But I think I have a promise of tomorrow.
In a world camouflaged in darkness, every day is a fight for any crusader . As a modern poet, you are really a fighter who has to keep promises for tomorrow. Really inspiring lines. My kudos