Recently, she had been thinking of the word marooned a lot. She
remembered she had learned the word in school. It was in a pirate story. She was
sad for the poor sod who got marooned on that sad sack island. But, since then,
every time she thought of the word ‘marooned’, she had images of darker hues of
red and someone trapped in it. It was like watching a man roam around with
lonely eyes and lonelier expressions in the smoky maze of red. It was demure.
She closed her eyes and tried to think of blue, yellow, And the
black stuck. The silence in that colour struck her conscious like a piece of
ice on a hot summer day. It encompassed all the thoughts and swirled about
finding debris and sucking them in. All that was left now in the hollow of her
reminisces was blackness. It was calm. It was peaceful. She slept.
I don't think these thoughts are broken at all, nor is the soul lost. Black is indeed calm and peaceful. It doesn't simply absorb all colors, but it also provides a contrast against which all colors of life can be better appreciated.