Everything I have penned... In the scattered hues of melancholy, I find my sense of unused judgement, I look at memories with perspective, And see meaning in broken epiphanies...
Monday, 28 September 2015
Monday, 8 June 2015
All about Monsters and How to kill them
Monsters change shapes and faces when we grow up. Adulthood comes with its own set of monsters that cease to reside under our bed. They take up spaces inside our heads, always instilling fear in us. Adulthood for women is fraught with perils both within and without. Paranoia is encouraged rather than cured in India. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Clichéd as it sounds, it is still the mantra every Indian girl stands by. Why? Because we are still afraid of monsters. Monsters who can harm us, both physically and emotionally. Monsters who can violate us, mute us and alter us. We fear the monsters on the road, at the market, in dark alleyways, schools, colleges and sometimes in our homes. Monsters have many faces. They live amongst us. They are our friends, colleagues and sometimes even related to us both by blood and by marriage.
Most part of our adult lives is spent worrying, being afraid and protecting ourselves. Have you ever wondered where women would be now if we had no monsters to worry about?
The worst kind of monsters are those that hide in plain sight. Talks like a good person, walks like a good person but violently abuses his partner. Gives to charity, cares for animals but molests small children. Is a loving father but treats his wife like property. Talks about women empowerment but wants his wife to serve him. Seems like a perfectly good person till he touches you inappropriately. We have all dealt with these monsters. We arm ourselves with pepper sprays and curfews to vanquish the demons. We try to stop them from harming us but never from existing at all.
Two most important things in India is religion and family. Why not spread the message of equality through them? Why not ask people to not turn into monsters? If religious leaders ask their followers to treat women as their equals, would they not follow? If every parent treats their sons and daughters the same, would the son still grow up thinking he is superior to the opposite sex? Can’t we stop the centuries of social conditioning with positive thought and learning? We can. However we choose to prevent rather than cure. We cover, we run, we cry out but never let the monster seed die. We admonish, we limit ourselves and we continue a struggle that is nothing more than a vicious cycle.
Stop. Think. Execute. And let it not Repeat.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Memories, the assholes
It is worrisome to see that one tiny photograph can impact nerves to no end. I mean from one end to another and then back. It is complete idiocy that runs through your neurons. I think our brain likes the fact that it can wreak such utter havoc through sight. And smell. And touch.
There is a ticking time bomb in each of us. Some of us can suppress it better than others. Those of us who know no better fall into the trap and push the red button time and again without learning from mistakes. It is a little bit like forgetting to switch on the mosquito repellant. You know what pain is when the errant mosquito relishes the taste of your blood. The next time I will be wise we think. Then the welts fade, the pain subsides and one fine day you are cocky and forgetful again.
Memories are like the bullies who wouldn't stop throwing chalk at you. Some just glance by you. Some you dust off. Then there are some that hit you in the eye and you are in blinding pain for quite a while.
What about good memories you say? Well, I think all memories hurt a little. It is made up entirely of the past. You will always yearn for a double check, a look back, a time machine or oblivion. Memories are just rude shocks you did not expect from the expensive iron.
I may be cynical or just depressed, but when I wake up tomorrow I will still feel the same. What we feel is the absolute truth for us at every moment. My truth just makes more sense to me than yours.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Sunday, 15 March 2015
Saturday, 7 March 2015
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Another Women's Day And I Am Still Weary
Monday, 9 February 2015
My Nation Failed Me
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Wake the fuck up India!
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Public Places Where People Have Sex in Kolkata
Central Park
Elliot Park
Mangal Pandey Park
Old Cinema Halls
Cyber Cafes
Friday, 16 January 2015
Thursday, 15 January 2015
The promise…
It had stopped raining a while ago. She looked at the tear-stained glass door of the coffee shop where they had a long standing meeting.
He was standing at the mouth of an alleyway, watching her nervously sip her coffee and look at the door with every sound of a customer coming in. It had been a year since they said they would meet at the coffee shop when they were finally free from their burdens.
She no longer wore the customary vermillion or her wedding bangles.
He walked home silently, with drooping shoulders, moist eyes and a box of diapers in his bag.
In slow motion
Breaking silently with loud cracks
Echoing through neurons and firing up
All the ice settled through winter
It is still winter
Can you tell?
The eyes drink in the confusion
Methodically with no purpose
Zigzagging through hmms and erms
Stepping on frozen toes
And blackened fingers
Shivering beneath the glazed pupils
The hands, they don’t move
Stricken in fury
Broken in heavy emotions
Bursting at the seams
The fists form
Digging nails into ashen palms.
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Why I am an atheist
I went to a missionary school, where I learnt hymns and grew close to Jesus. I started going to churches, I made a Muslim friend, so I went to mosques too. I grew up around religion. I respected religion. I believed in God.
I prayed for me, my family, all the people close to me. I made it to my teens with the belief that praying helps. I met awful people along the way, had my teen naive heart broken, was betrayed by close friends, read about rapes and murders on paper and still prayed. I prayed for goodness. I prayed for relief. I prayed for sanity.
Along the way to adulthood, I met new people, I was privy to new ideas, I questioned everything. I questioned rituals, religion, rationales and motivation. I started forming my own opinions instead of conforming to my family's. At 21, I gave my belief. I started a new life away from home, at University, studying literature and cultural studies, debating social norms and effects of religion on people.
It's funny that theism is taken for granted, but atheism offends people. It does not become a way of life. My family still thinks it's a phase. It's as if I am flirting with atheism and will come to my senses eventually. I have just lost the way. Often I was and still am asked, "Who taught you atheism?" I laugh every time. I am annoyed that they think I do not have an individual opinion. I ask you, who taught you theism? Would you still believe in god if no one taught you to? If a person was bred and brought up in an environment without religion, would he/she still pray? Would the person believe in an entity larger than the universe, the creator?
I started not believing, when I started believing in something more than my faith. I started believing in myself. I stopped relying on prayers and relied on actions. My mother told me, "Don't say God does not exist. God will punish you for it." The irony in that sentence still baffles me. It's hilarious that people threaten us with hell and the wrath of god. We don't care!
Living in India, right now, is the superstitious hell for us Atheists. We seem to have been pushed aside even in politics due to our lack of religion or faith in a creator. The politics of India as it is now is more than just the welfare of people. It is religion. It used to be a battle of ideologies. Now it is a battle of intolerance and ignorance. It is also a battle armed with myths and religious scriptures that are so misconstrued that it is almost believable.
I am not taking pot shots at just one religion. I am not selling atheism to anyone. I am just voicing my opinion against the organised corruption in the higher ranks of all religious organisations. Yes. I say organisations. It seems that everyone is out to prove who the better God is and whose God loves them the most and it is always at the cost of bringing some other religion down.
It does not matter when you practice your own faith in your home not bothering or hurting other people and their sentiments. It is when you bring religion into the open, shoving it into people's faces and up their noses, disrupting lives and livelihood that it becomes an issue.
Recently an NGO in Delhi could not help the Christian parents of a terminally ill girl monetarily. The trustee of the organisation later said, "Agar aap hindu hote toh phir bhi kuchh ho sakta tha" (We could have still done something if you were hindu) Since when does religion matter more than the life of a 21 year old who is lying paralysed on a bed?
With all the Ghar Wapsi campaigns by the Hindus, there is also a Muslim leader saying, all children are born Muslims and then converted to other religions. I continue to see the urge to make people conform to the religion one person or a group of people think is superior. There is always someone trying to convert someone else. What happened to free will? What happened to respecting other people's choices and beliefs?
I object to your dehumanisation of people due to their religion. I object to your crassness in the celebration of your religion. I object to your inhumanity. I object to your racism, sexism, elitism based just on your religion. I object to your society.
I am an atheist and happier for it.
The Graveyard Book - A review.
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Ban dresses they show too much
Ban jeans they show too little
Ban burqas for eyes do talk
Ban eyes. How dare they look
Ban walking. We're getting somewhere
Ban transport. Bring them back one at a time.
Ban working late. It teases the night.
Ban working. Do we really need to?
Ban questions. You ask too much.
Ban reports. You said too much.
Ban excesses. We have too much.
Too much freedom. Too much influence. Too much reading. Too much soul.
Shut that mouth I said!
Ban talking. It brings up questions.
Ban societies. What good is learning things?
Ban entertainment. Just because.
Ban television. They put things in your mind.
Ban alcohol. Ban drugs. Ban escapes.
Ban sex. We come from Gods.
Ban dark alleyways. Ban abandoned buses. Ban the living room with the curious third cousin in it. Ban the playground with the touchy neighbor. Ban crowds.
Ban hands.
Ban looks.
Ban elbows and knees and penises.
Ban breasts. Vaginas. Women.
Shove it all under the rug.
We will keep mum. We wont tell.
We wont point. We wont dwell.
Ban the darkness
Ban the light.
Ban excuses and ban the fight.
A thought
I was thinking that all our fight for choice and free will is ironic because our very existence is because of someone else's choice or lack there of. Some of us are planned babies, some are accidental and some a mistake. In any case our very being is the result if a choice and action we had no part in. Did I choose to park my ass on this land? No.